Contact Us

Ready to Write on!

Contact the herd of word-nerds at Impressum for advice on services, self-publishing, pricing, editing, proofing, design, or marketing. Is your book-baby all ready to go? Let us know if you’re ready to submit your manuscript and one of the herd will get back to you soon.

General Enquiries

To find out more about Impressum and the services we offer, please get in touch here. If you are an author and are interested in finding out more about our self-publishing services, please fill in the Book Submission form in the next tab.

    Book Proposal – Author Submission

    Impressum is a full-service self-publishing company. This means we’ll publish your book at an agreed cost, and you as the author keep all the rights. Submit your book proposal to Impressum today and if we’re the right fit, we’ll send you an outline of what we can do to get you in print, and the associated costs.

      Author Details

      Author Biography

      Tell us about you! Is this your first book? What’s your day job? Have you had any experience with publishing before?

      Your Book Proposal

      Attach sample chapter and/or chapter outline, or whole manuscript as MS word document or PDF attachment.


      Tell us what happens in your book in no more than 350 words. If it’s fiction, what are the major plot points and characters? If it’s non-fiction, what are the major concepts and issues explored? Did you know a synopsis is different from a blurb? Tell us how it ends!


      Marketing Platform

      How will you support your book in the marketplace? Do you have a website, blog, business, or use social media? If so, how many followers do you have and what is your engagement with them?

      Competitor Analysis

      What are some other recent books like yours, and how does your book appeal to readers of those books? How is it different?

      What You Need

      Do you need the whole package? Do you need just cover design, or just typesetting and printing and distribution? Select all that apply:


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      You will receive an acknowledgement of submission. Please allow up to 4-weeks for one of our team to review your submission and respond in detail.

      Note: Impressum does not publish works of a defamatory, pornographic, or prejudicial nature (no sexist, racist, or homophobic material of any kind). Any submissions of this nature will be discarded.